Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring Break

It was a lot of fun,surprising.... I went on tour with the Glee Club (we did 10 concerts in 10 days WOW), Lillian and I did a duet I think at 6 of the performances. We went to D.C., Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. I made some very good friends on this trip and learned a lot about myself and other people. First Lillian and I became closer, and we found out that we have similar personality types ( I will talk about this bit in another post), I also found out that Adam and I have similar personality types and I got to know him a little better also (in a friendship kind way, just wanted to clear that up). I got to know Emily and Matt pretty well, they're a cool couple, and realized that Mike likes to touch people, a lot (not in a repast type of way but in a extra friendly kind way) and it got a bit annoying. I had some pretty cool sponsors...My sponsor in D.C. works in the Pentagon and is totally cool. He went to culinary school in California and cooked for us....some of the best food I've ever had... and then after our concert in the...get this...Library of Congress, he took us out to dinner at this snazzy place where, once again the food was amazing. The other sponsors were nice but not as cool as him. I did have a retired Air Force chick Major. She was pretty cool, she use to mix her own drinks at parties, I thought that was pretty hotttt. But other then that everyone else was just the average ex-cadet or old person. Actually (you may think I'm racist after this next comment, but I'm not... if you are non-white then you might understand, if you are white...I'm sorry, it's a colored folk's thing...) I was starting to get really tired of old white people. They were really starting to get on my nerves. It got to the point where whenever one would talk to me I would just smile and nod. If I didn't have to say anything I would just sit and be quiet. I don't know what it was but I was very annoyed. There was this one lady that was taking Emily and me to the beach in Florida and she was just going on and on about how the only black people in Florida were from islands like Jamaica and how they have great manners and they are soooo nice and how 60% of her friends are black and 40% of her friends are white and how when she was sick only her black friends sent her cards....AND THEN SHE HAD THE NERVE TO SAY...."OH, my Kesha, I forgot you were the car, I'm so embarrassed. You're not suppose to say things like that in mixed company."....WHO SAYS THAT!!!!!! If she weren't like 90 years old I would have wanted to punch her in the face...but instead I just smiled, like a good little negro....GOODNESS. Well I have to check out now. I might write late tonight or early tomorrow because I have something fun to write about. Also I have found a website that will let me make slideshows out of my photo albums so I am doing that and soon I will have them posted. Much love Kesha:)

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