Monday, May 21, 2007

Asian-Pacific Festival Hula

This is the Hula from the Heratige festival.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Learning to Follow

So I've been learning to salsa dance! It's a lot of fun but what I realized last night was that I don't know how to follow. I've known since I started learning to salsa that I don't know how to follow in a dance, mainly becuase I'm used to dancing by myself. I'm used to doing things by myself and having control maybe not over what happones but over what I do and where I go. This is not the case with salsa (if you're not the lead) nor is it the case with life. Even if you are leading other people in life you're always subject to someone else's will. You have no control over what's going to happon. I'm getting much better at following the lead in salsa, but following the lead in life is a different story. See I like doing things by myself and having control over everything, but my MAN up above is trying to teach me otherwise. My whole life has been a series of unfortunate events that have forced me to rely on otherpeople, and on HIM, but as meny people know I am stubborn. Then minnute things get better I start taking over and then the cycle startes again. I have no clue why it hs taken me casi 20 years and approx 5 weeks of salsa lessons but people are strange creatures. Sometimes it takes them a while to learn things even when the answers are right in front of them. So I challange you to learn from my 20+ years of experiene. Stop trying to be in control. Just live, love, and learn to follow. Some salsa lessons wouldn't hurt either. :)
Much love ,