Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Almost Too Much to Bear

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything but so much has happened. As you know I am probably one of the busiest people alive (I'd argue that I am busier that the great Winston Churchill who had time to take a daily afternoon nap!). This is nothing that I want to brag about. It has gotten me into some trouble (well not trouble, but has made life slightly harder than it needed to be). Let me explain. My days are packed, my weeks are packed, my weekends...are packed. So what do I do when I get sick? Nothing really. I may occasionally blow off small things like reading for class but I can't seem to let go of some of my activities. This has come back not to bite me in the butt but to PUNCH ME IN THE FACE!!!! And I mean hard! But I think my business is a coping mechanism for my various and assorted (they really are various and very assorted) issues. Me being so busy that I just don't deal with it. I don't even stop to think or even ponder how any particular series of unfortunate events (and this year, it's been more than a mini series) affects ME. My Mind. My Body. My Spirit. My Soul. My Being. ME. Since the beginning of my junior year (which will end in approximately one month AMEN!!) I have lost a friend in the War on Terror, injured myself (not severely, no worries), lost a company mate to suicide, lost a fellow cadet to a freak water accident, lost three other graduates from the class of 2005, and found out that my grandfather (who was supposed to pin on my bars next year) is on his death bed (and I have to sit and wait for him to die). Not to mention this whole Virginia Tech shooting! So now I'm sick. I don't know what I have but I feel like I've been hit by a truck (one of those big ones you see on the interstate carrying all kinds of crap) that went into reverse and preceded to run over my already broken body. I have no clue what this illness is, other than exhaustion. Every part of my body is in some sort of pain and all I can think about is sleep. I walked around all day feeling like someone as slowly cutting my stomach from my body and every one of my muscles hurt.
Ok, so what’s the point?
I'm not trying to complain about my various and assorted ailments. I would just like you to know that everything has an affect on you and you should consider that affect and adjust you life accordingly. If that means letting something go for a few weeks, saying a few extra prayers at night, taking time for yourself on the weekends, DO IT! I have been so busy that I still have not mourned my friends' death in September and each day that becomes harder and harder. I know that the only reason I have been able to carry this incredible burden is because I have had a tremendous amount of help. I know that I will never experience something that I cannot handle, I will never receive a task that I cannot accomplish, and I will never be asked to do something impossible. So I wish you all blessings, peace, health, prosperity, and wisdom. Especially the wisdom to know when to let things go. Much Love (and I do mean love),